PBCA Canada has been making many changes over the last while, and as of just recently we also made some changes to our Board of Directors. We are taking this opportunity to share with you who they are, what their role is as a board member, and some of their insight into the future of the PBCA.
First, we need to say thank you to a couple individuals for their role on the board over the last while. "Thank You" to Cindy Piva for the expertise and wisdom that you brought to the PBCA Canada board! Along with other board members, Cindy was integral in many of the new tools we are now utilizing today. So, thank you, Cindy, for all your time and dedication!
We also had a change in our President. We owe a big "Thank You!" to our now former President, Dave Fuller, for taking the reins and directing the PBCA to where it is today. We are grateful for the amount of volunteer time and leadership he's dedicated to progressing PBCA Canada, for his mentorship for new and established coaches, and for what he will undoubtedly continue to contribute for many more years.
Thank you, Dave!
Now, let's introduce you to our current Board of Directors, and our new PBCA Canada President!
President - Elio Cozzi
Director - Kerry Brown
Director - Dave Fuller
Director - Anna Harrison
So you can get to know them better and see their vision for PBCA, we asked them the following 7 questions with their respective answers:
1) What is your vision for PBCA Canada? What does it look like in 10 years?
Elio - To continue to grow our reputation as the pre-eminent business coaching organization in Canada, attracting the top business coaches in our country through a combination of an excellent training program, high value tools and resources in our member library, and a strong sense of community. I’d like to see us achieve a membership total approaching 100 in 10 years.
Kerry - That the PBCA is the recognized premier business coaching organization.
Dave - My Vision for the PBCA when I was negotiating with Dale to take it over and form a non-profit association (instead of a for profit company) was to create a community of business coaches who could benefit from the PBCA without a costly expense on a monthly basis. I believed at the time, and still do, that an association can create tremendous value for membership and we need to continue to reach out and grow the PBCA in order to have a healthy community that benefits it members, who I believe should be business coaches of all stripes from across Canada.
Anna - To become one of the leading coaching associations offering advanced training and support for it’s members.
2) How would you describe your leadership philosophy?
Elio - It’s important to listen carefully, embrace diverse views, communicate effectively, and confirm that decisions are supported by our team. And I believe strongly in the need to focus on capability development for oneself and others in the organization.
Kerry - Never be the smartest person on your team; be vulnerable and empathetic; and show care, curiosity, and candor.
Dave - Leaders should be seen and not heard! or was that Children?
Anna - The world is constantly changing, and we need to be able to adapt to new challenges. Partnering with my clients to identify their goals for their business and helping them reach those goals by providing support and guidance.
3) What role do you play as a board member for PBCA Canada? How does that help maintain and progress PBCA into the future?
Elio - As a board member since we established our non-profit organization in 2020, I recently accepted the position of president of PBCA Canada and will commit to playing a lead role with our board in ensuring we establish and execute an effective growth strategy and meet the needs of our members.
Kerry - I feel my role in some ways is the elder statesperson having been coaching for over 25 years. I am also very member value driven.
Dave - As Past President and Treasurer, I believe that my role is to help guide the organization into the future by supporting Elio in his role and ensuring that we are meeting our financial commitments and requirements.
Anna - I recently joined the board and I am looking forward to being more involved in whatever area is needed.
4) What are the major risks for tomorrow's business coaching industry and the PBCA, and how do you equip yourself as a board member to help PBCA mitigate these risks?
Elio - We need to continue to seek ways to add value to our members so that they can profitably grow their own coaching business. We also need to continually assess the business environment and understand the threats and opportunities we will face in the coming years. Working closely with our PBCA USA counterpart will also help us by aligning efforts and resources.
Kerry - A major risk is that as the industry is unregulated; anyone can call themselves a business coach and while many will do a great job, we run the risk as an industry of an oversaturated market and clients not being served well.
Dave - I think that the biggest, and always has been, is the risk that business coaches fail to get clients and then leave the industry. As an association we need to do a great job of helping our coaches be successful and attract and retain clients.
Anna - I feel that it is important to ensure we continue to train, educate, and certify coaches to uphold the standards of the PBCA and the coaching industry.
5) What makes the PBCA purpose or mission meaningful to you and how do your values align with PBCA’s shared values and ethics?
Elio - I strongly believe in the coaching approach prescribed through PBCA Canada training. I’ve seen it work first hand through my experiences with my clients. I’ve always believed in the need to respect others, developing strong personal relationships through honesty, trust, and professionalism. My own approach has been to drive forward in a respectful and diplomatic manner and to seek confirmation that we are making good progress.
Kerry - Our key focus is professionalism and we take this very seriously with continuing education, peer support, and a clearly defined code of ethics.
Dave - Hmm, good question.
Anna - Being part of a team of certified coaches that openly collaborate, share resources, and offer support is so valuable, and knowing that we all uphold the highest standard of business coaching is very important when we are being trusted to partner with business owners and individuals.
6) What are your relevant prior leadership experiences where you've moved the dial, shifted mindsets, and ultimately, influenced decisions?
Elio - 1) I’ve had diverse experience in the corporate world over 30+ years, including technical, analytical, sales and marketing, strategic planning, and general management roles leading up to senior leadership roles. 2) Following my corporate career I had the opportunity to participate as a founding investor, consultant, and board member in a start up business that has grown from 3 employees and minimal revenues to over 100 employees and $60 million in annual revenues in the last 10 years. Through all this experience I’ve developed and fine tuned my leadership approach and learned the importance of sound business strategies, disciplined focus on execution, and the importance of developing a top performing team.
Kerry - For a number of years, prior to coaching, I was responsible for training and motivating a large team of people and the key strategy was personal development.
Dave - There is nothing but the present!!!
Anna - In my prior business I had a team of between 10-20, some of which were new to their industry, and as the owner I had the privilege of encouraging and guiding them to excel in their position. Seeing some of them go out on their own to open their own successful businesses was amazing.
7) Soft or Crunchy Cookies?
Elio - Crunchy cookies are my preference!
Kerry - Soft, gluten free oatmeal raisin!
Dave - Soft cookies are for people who don't have teeth.
Anna - Soft cookies.
Thank you, and Welcome, to our new president and our current board members for volunteering your time and expertise to move PBCA forward! We all look forward to working together!
Are you thinking of becoming a business coach? Do you want to be part of a larger community of highly experienced and trained professional business coaches? If you want more info on becoming a PBCA Certified Professional Business Coach, contact us here and get started!